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 Features To Look In Sunglasses For Golfers

Golf is one of the most popular sports events in the US. More than a game, it’s a passion and way of life for most people. But only recently most of the world’s top PGA tournament players have started to wear sunglasses on the course.

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Golf needs high precision strikes of the ball and a sharp eye sight can make all the difference between a winning or losing strike. By wearing sunglasses, players can easily track the ball, read the greens, judge the distance and make a perfect putt!  Golfers are exposed to UV rays for a long time. As the average age of a golfer in the US is 54, the players are more susceptible to damage from UV rays. By the time people reach the age of 50, they might have been exposed to 90% of their lifetime UV damage.

Golf is a day time sport with the prime golfing hours falling between 10am – 4pm. Though most people make sure to apply sunscreen while playing, they often forget to wear protective eyewear. Sunglasses will protect the eyes from UV rays, increase color clarity and makes it easy to spot the ball easily. Choosing good quality UV400 rated sunglasses like sports sunglasses will prevent overexposure of UV rays and cut down the risks of macular degeneration and cataract.

Imprinted Surfer Sunglasses

Looking for a great handout for promoting golf clubs or leagues? Half frame Oahu sunglasses is another perfect choice.

Half Frame Oahu Sunglasses

Here are some of the features of sunglasses that golfers need to look for

 Frameless or half frame sunglasses: When the player looks down to take a swing, the bottom edge of the frame doesn’t interfere with vision.

 Lightweight frames: Golfers need to wear sunglasses many hours at a stretch on the greens. So make sure to choose a light weight frame that ensures absolute comfort.

 Firm grip: If the frame is too loose, the glasses may slip down while the player takes a high speed shot. If the frames are too tight it might make him uncomfortable after a while.

Choose the right lens colors: The best lens colors for golf are amber, brown or copper. It will increase the contrast of the white golf ball against the green background and makes it easy for the player to spot the ball and judge distances easily. These lenses can also filter out blue light and enhance the clarity of vision. If you are looking for some fashionable hues, Purple will be a great choice in dull settings and low light conditions.

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